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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Finally blogging again!

Man, it's been forever since I've blogged and it's been eating away at me for the past 2 weeks.  So much has happened in 14 short days, it's ridiculous!

On Sunday the 19 we 3 went to the Virginia Wine Festival.  I have been eagerly anticipating this trip since last September.  And, by the way, wine tastes SO much better when it's free.  Christian encouraged me to enter a radio contest for tickets, and imagine my surprise when 3 days later we received two complimentary tickets to the festival in the mail.  It was a beautiful summery day and we had a blast.

By the way, we also went to Sunday school that morning, and I can't resist sharing a pic of our little boy in his sailor suit.

Monday he turned 21 weeks old.  I have this "thing" about taking his weekly picture at exactly 4:19.  I've spared my readers the pictures of what he was actually doing at 4:19, which was nursing. 

Bobby's really starting to enjoy his playmat, though tummy time is still not on his list of "likes".

The Hubby and I cleaned out the closet in the basement and in doing so, we found a couple of toys that Bobby is ready to play with!

"Go go gadget feet".

Bobby went to the pediatric cardiologist who diagnosed his heart murmur right after he was born.  We were optimistic that it had closed on it's own, but unfortunately it hadn't.  We've gotta go back to Doc Callahan next April to check on it again.

After his appointment, Bobby decided he wanted to drive home....

We thought the weather was so beautiful that day that we decided to pack a picnic and head up to the marina.  I had a couple loaves of old bread, so we fed the geese.  The big milestone on this day was that Bobby took his first ride in the "big boy" stroller!

Our little hooligan

And, until the next post, I will leave you with a picture of our muscle man....

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