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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Backtrack to April....

So, obviously I haven't been blogging lately.  The reason why will be explained in my blog post which will be  entitled "The Worst Day of My Life". 

Anyhow, for the moment I'd like to visit a happier time in the Donahue family's life.


Easter came.  Just in time for the holiday festivities, our A/C decided that we needed to experience the 90 degree (and higher) temperatures without central air.  Nevertheless, I cooked Easter dinner, and the Easter bunny still came.....
This was Bobby's last 1st holiday.  It made me a bit emotional. 

We went to church, and when we got back, Grammy was kind enough to take a few pics of us....

And, as a nice surprise, Grammy even got in a picture!

Two days after Easter Bobby celebrated his first birthday!

How did we celebrate?

Like any loving parents, we took Bobby to the doctor's office to get his one year shots.  Aren't we AWESOME???

Of course, he was a perfect angel, and we tried to let him ride the carousel outside of the doc's office, but they were both broken. 

Of course, we opened presents later, and Bobby discovered what Mommy and Daddy already knew.  Grammy spoiled him with his very own "Clip-Clop".  He was unsure at first, but I can tell you now with certainty, he LOVES it. 

After his Birthday, we were planning (and packing) for Bobby's first birthday party and for our long anticipated vacation to Myrtle Beach.

Bobby's birthday party couldn't have gone better....really.  We had the most beautiful weather, and Bobby was so blessed to have so many people show up to celebrate his life.   We held his party at Robert Marshall Recreation Area, which was named for Bobby's great Gramps (and namesake).  We had intended to serve hot dogs, pasta and potato salad and cake, but the grill decided to go kaput and C.W. ran to KFC to avoid disaster.

No surprise here, but Bobby made out like a bandit.

His favorite present by far???
Tissue paper.  Seriously.

His birthday cake was AMAZING......

We snapped a few pics post party.  Here are my two favorites.

One of Bobby with his Grammy.....

And one of Bob with his parents:

Next up:  May.

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