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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mommy's Birthday and other shenanigans....

So....a photo update on the past 2 weeks.

It got cold.

We dressed Daddy and Bobby up as twins!

I celebrated my 29th birthday on the 18.  I told Bobby he should get used to this number, because I am totally going to claim it as my age for the next couple of years.

Daddy bought me flowers.

Some classy vase they were put in, huh?  That's what happens when you have a 6 month old.

The picture above was taken at my birthday dinner.  Every year we end up at Sakura (Japanese steak house) for dinner, and I was determined to try something new this year.  We ended up in Old Town, Alexandria at this lovely creperie called La Fontaine.  The dinner (savory) crepes were okay, but the dessert crepes.....OMG.  To. Die. For.  C.W. got this one called the "lemon drop" and I got one called "just peachy".  I licked the bowl, and I wasn't even ashamed that I did so. 

Tuesday I went to a very special kind of doctor that I really don't want to elaborate on.  I think the issue is resolved, and that's really all that matters.

We galavanted up in Springfield until it was time to go to Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob's for my birthday dinner.  It's better than a present and I always get to pick what meal I'd like.  Normally I ask for Carol's fried chicken and all the fixings, which have to include her cole slaw.  Since I'm nursing, that was out of the question.  So, I got salmon instead.  Yum.  Bobby sat with the grown ups at the table, which was pretty cool.  And Carol made this pumpkin with chocolate chip creme pie dessert that was out of this world.  It's my new favorite thing.  I had seconds.  I think I might have gained a pound, and I don't care.  It was worth it.

I kept telling everybody at dinner Tuesday night that I thought Bobby was coming down with something, but everyone dismissed it and chalked his coughing and runny nose up to teething.  Guess where we ended up Wednesday morning?

Yep.  That's the "sick" waiting room at the doc's.
So, the doc told me that Bobby had a head cold on top of teething.  Fabulous.

Doesn't he just look so lethargic? Poor babe.

So, guess who got sick next?

"Happy Birthday, Mom.  I got you this awesome cold."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Husband Made Me Write This Post.....

Seriously.  I mean, he didn't hold a gun to my head or anything, but last night, he said to me right before bedtime, " need to blog".  Okay, okay.  Since you twisted my arm....

New goings-on at the Donahue household....

Bobby is mobile.  Uh-oh.

Bobby loves seeing the world from a "standing up" perspective.   Can't you tell?

Someone has discovered his feet.  Specifically his big toes.


Bobby has created a new fashion trend, which might actually catch on...

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to introduce you to my "caped crusader".
Sometimes I take pictures "just because".  Just because he's cute, just because I like the outfit he's wearing.

Just because he smiled.
Just because he learned how to point (at himself).

Just because I loved his Sunday School outfit.

Just because he takes one helluva picture with his old man.

And finally, just because he refuses to take a good picture with his Momma.

But there's big news to share!
Someone learned how to sit up unassisted!!!

Someone is growing up a little too fast....and this Mommy is about to get in a serious brawl with Father Time, even though she knows he'll kick her butt every time. 

Friday, October 8, 2010


The highly anticipated vacation week with Bobby's and my favorite guy was this past week!

First up on our to-do list was a trip to the Fall craft fair in Occoquan.  We were accompanied by Beth and Pete, who absolutely melt me the way they dote on my little boy.  We bought lots of dip mixes, which is par for the course.  This time I actually came home with something non-food related:

Also on Sunday:  Bobby turned 5 months old!

We spent the incredibly rainy first 2 days of the week cleaning out the attic for our annual yard sale.  Now that we have a little one, I'm finding that the stuff that once seemed SO important really isn't anymore. 

Tuesday we spent an absolute eternity in traffic on our way to Children's Hospital's satellite office in Fairfax.  Maybe I'm overly paranoid (this is my first baby), but Bobby was making "gasping" noises while he slept.  When I mentioned this to a nurse practitioner back in July, she noted some shallow breathing and told us we'd all sleep better if we just had him checked out.  We really liked the doc who examined Bobby, and she told us that all of his problems go back to his reflux.  He'd be fine, and she "upped" his dose of baby Zantac. 
And I just LOVE when people, especially medical professionals tell me that my baby is one, if not THE happiest baby they've seen.  Love it!

Bobby slept the entire way back to Woodbridge after his appointment, clutching his frog toy bar the entire time.  You have to look closely to see his little fist.

Thursday we all went over to Carol and Bob's for chinese food.  It was delish!  We got to hear all the details of her granddaughter's arrival and we got to see pictures, too.  She's a real cutie.

Saturday we held our yard sale.  Success?  Not so much.  The local "Sally" as my Dad calls it, got a ton of stuff that afternoon.  I did, however, keep some "too good to toss" stuff to auction off on eBay.

"Buy our crap.  Please?"

Later that evening we went to the pumpkin patch by our house...Bobby's first trip!  I found the perfect spot to take a picture of this momentus occasion, but the Hubby left the camera at home.  I didn't let him live it down....until we got home and I pulled the "forgotten" camera out of my pocket.  Oops.

Sunday we went to Sunday school and that concluded our week of not having to share our guy.  Bobby actually seemed really depressed that his Daddy had left.  I think he got used to having him around all the time.  The downside of this week was that Bobby spent the entire week teething.

'Round here, we're already counting down till Daddy's next vacay.  We're hoping to spend a week at the beach in February.  I can almost smell the sea and taste the salty air.  Carolina on my mind....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Finally blogging again!

Man, it's been forever since I've blogged and it's been eating away at me for the past 2 weeks.  So much has happened in 14 short days, it's ridiculous!

On Sunday the 19 we 3 went to the Virginia Wine Festival.  I have been eagerly anticipating this trip since last September.  And, by the way, wine tastes SO much better when it's free.  Christian encouraged me to enter a radio contest for tickets, and imagine my surprise when 3 days later we received two complimentary tickets to the festival in the mail.  It was a beautiful summery day and we had a blast.

By the way, we also went to Sunday school that morning, and I can't resist sharing a pic of our little boy in his sailor suit.

Monday he turned 21 weeks old.  I have this "thing" about taking his weekly picture at exactly 4:19.  I've spared my readers the pictures of what he was actually doing at 4:19, which was nursing. 

Bobby's really starting to enjoy his playmat, though tummy time is still not on his list of "likes".

The Hubby and I cleaned out the closet in the basement and in doing so, we found a couple of toys that Bobby is ready to play with!

"Go go gadget feet".

Bobby went to the pediatric cardiologist who diagnosed his heart murmur right after he was born.  We were optimistic that it had closed on it's own, but unfortunately it hadn't.  We've gotta go back to Doc Callahan next April to check on it again.

After his appointment, Bobby decided he wanted to drive home....

We thought the weather was so beautiful that day that we decided to pack a picnic and head up to the marina.  I had a couple loaves of old bread, so we fed the geese.  The big milestone on this day was that Bobby took his first ride in the "big boy" stroller!

Our little hooligan

And, until the next post, I will leave you with a picture of our muscle man....